AI<>BA Conference – Katowice 2025


AIBA Conference It’s a match!

Find out how you can use artificial intelligence to drive your business.

AIBA Conference means:


experts in artificial intelligence field


speakers outside of Poland



languages of the conference: Polish, English



best networking opportunity with an app

Key Note Speakers

Jaimie Freeman

WhatsApp UX Researcher

Fabian Strunden

Product Lead for AI in Miro

Talene Bilazarian

WhatsApp UX Researcher

Ahmed Hamouda


Łukasz Żółciak

Smart City Officer in Katowice City Council

Darek Kocięcki

Director The Software House

Joanna Brassett

CEO intO

Krzysztof Wojewodzic

CEO Escola S.A

Michał Furmankiewicz

Microsoft Principal Program Manager @ AI Industry Team

Petr Hunka

Senior Data Consultant in Keboola

Wojciech Gruszczyk

co.brick Senior Product Manager

Thiara Cavadas

Cultural and Foresight Strategist and AI Researcher at intO

Agnieszka Hajos-Iwańska

B2R Law Partner

Michał Nadolski

CPO in H2B Group

The Conference Agenda

Morning sessions

9:00 – 10:00       Registration and networking

Part I: Intro to AI:

9:00 – 10:00
In search of a common language: The Business, Development, and Research Nexus
Wojciech Gruszczyk, co.brick
10:30 – 11:00
No pAIn no gAIn! Digital Transition in AI era
Krzysztof Wojewodzic, Escola S.A
11:00 – 11:30
Best 2023 AI tools for business growth
Ahmed Hamouda, Nabda
11:30 – 12:00
Coffee break

Part II: AI tools adoption:

12:00 – 12:30
Accelerate AI transformation with Microsoft without hype
Michał Furmankiewicz, Microsoft
12:30 – 13:00
Customer-centric innovation with the help of AI
Fabian Strunden, Miro
13:00 – 13:30
Practical GenAI: Most common use cases of GenAI implemented today
Darek Kocięcki, The Software House
13:30 – 14:30
Lunch Break

Afternoon sessions

13:30 – 14:30       Lunch Break and networking

Part III: Marketing Cases:

14:30 – 15:00
GenAI & Responsible Personalization at Scale
Jaimie Freeman & Talene Bilazarian, WhatsApp
15:00 – 15:30
Empower Your Marketing: Automate Data Pipelines with AI Data Apps
Petr Hunka, Keboola
15:30 – 16:00
Automation of market analysis processes
Michał Niedolski, H2B Group
16:00 – 16:30
Coffee break

Part IV: Overcoming doubts about AI:

16:30 – 17:00
Inclusivity by Design: An Equitable Approach to AI Innovation
Joanna Brassett & Thiara Cavadas, intO
17:00 – 17:30
Regulator’s fear of Skynet and other stories. What legal problems may appear when using AI?
Agnieszka Hajos-Iwańska, B2R Law
17:30 – 18:00
Katowice, smart city, AI tools – challenges with data
Łukasz Żółciak, Katowice City Council
18:00 – 19:00

Benefits of Attending the Conference

Led by Business Experts
The AI BA conference is an opportunity to meet people who are not only familiar with AI but also know how to use it in business. They are professionals who achieved success with the help of AI in generating benefits both internally (by optimising day-to-day employee tasks) and externally (by making their products attractive to customers).
The conference focuses on practical applications of AI tools in business. We wish to demonstrate that AI is more than theory and that it is also a real tool to generate broader benefits in business. Every speech will offer new insights into optimising the running of your business.
The conference facilitates business contacts and cooperation with other business professionals interested in AI. You can exchange knowledge and ideas. It is the key aspect of the conference that will be made easy thanks to the use of the matchmaking application.
During the conference, you will learn about companies that use AI in an unconventional way. It should motivate you and give you some ideas on how to revolutionise business using AI.
The AI BA Conference is a source of the latest information on artificial intelligence trends. You will be up-to-date with what is happening in the world of AI and the solutions that are available on the market. It is an opportunity to be one step ahead of the competition.
Our conference attracts participants from all corners of the world, which will allow you to make new contacts and understand how AI is used in different parts of the globe. It is an opportunity to broaden your horizons and get a global perspective on the topic of artificial intelligence.

Who is this AIBA Conference for?

This AI<>BA conference is aimed at a wide range of professionals and enterpreneurs, as well as those who recognise the potential of artificial intelligence and would like to gain more insight into the topic.

CEOs of companies aiming at innovation
If you run a company that strives for innovation and wants to incorporate AI into its business strategy, then this conference is for you.
If you run a company that strives for innovation and wants to incorporate AI into its business strategy, then this conference is for you.
This conference will help you understand how AI can optimise operational processes and improve the efficacy of running your company.
If you are running a start-up or are its founder, you will learn how AI can help ypu with the speedy advancement of your company, regardless of the competition on the market.
Those involved in business development will gain invaluable insights into new development possibilities and strategies based on using AI.
This conference will help you understand the way AI, among many others, can influence marketing strategies and client communication.

Artificial intelligence has the potential to speed up many processes within your business. Do not fall behind; take part in this conference and gain
useful knowledge from experienced experts.

AIBA Conference: Discover the Potential of AI for Your Business

This event will open the door to the world of artificial intelligence (AI) in business.

Join us and become one of those entrepreneurs who use
artificial intelligence to drive their businesses.




Conference hours: 10:00 – 18:00

Tickets for the event


(live streaming)

  •  access to the conference in real time from any place in the world with Internet access
  • access to conference video recordings afterwards
  • early access to an e-book on the role of AI in business that will be published after the conference
  • attendance certificate

Regular Tickets – 149zł
(approx. €32)


(in person)

  • entry to the conference and participation in all lectures
  • translation of the lectures
  • lunch
  • coffee all day long
  • access to conference video
    recordings afterwards
  • early access to an e-book on the role of AI in business that will be published after the conference
  • attendance certificate

Regular Tickets – 499zł
(approx. €100)

Let’s match

(in person)

  • entry to the conference and participation in all lectures
  • translation of the lectures
  • lunch
  • coffee all day long
  • access to conference video
    recordings afterwards
  • early access to an e-book on the role of AI in business that will be published after the conference
  • attendance certificate

Regular Tickets – 749zł
(approx. €170)

Our Partners

Supportive partners

Media partners:


Our previous conferences

Contact details for organisational matters:

Małgorzata Skorupa

+48 691 528 174